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Seamless Videowall Screen

ModelSeamless Videowall Screen

Zero Bezel

Higher and wider viewing angle

Full HD resoluion 1920 x 1080

High Contrast Ratio

Support Videowall Installation




Seamless Videowall Screen

The Seamless Videowall Screen adopts seamless zero bezel technology which enables display hardware to provide an incredible viewing experience without black gaps between panels.

The screen borders are covered with a layer of glass-coating which uses beveled optical refraction for borders compensation. The gap between displays no longer appears as a black line or gap. Instead the image merges across displays.







Seamless Zero Bezel

The zero bezel on the screen enables you to combine multiple units to create a virtually seamless digital canvas. 






Full HD Resoluion

Unlike the poor resolution of the LED Videowall screen, the Seamless Videowall screen has a 16: 9 ratio of full HD 1920 x 1080 screen, which can provide stunning resolution and more accurate images with vivid colors.






High Contrast Ratio

With high contrast ratio, everything you watch comes to life with fine detail and vivid colour.





KF Videowall Screen


LCD Videowall Screen



LED Videowall Screen




Transparent LED Videowall Screen


Videowall Projects


LCD Videowall



LED Videowall



Transparent LED Videowall


KF-Videowall Display System




Model Seamless Videowall Screen